Wednesday, 26 July 2017
Documentary Film Reveals Why Charities Are Poor BROKEN FOR GOOD:
The Way Charity Works in the United States
Lisa Pavlopoulos - Twitter Review
"As much as I love and support non-profit missions; and believe in philanthropy, it is true that "It's a broken system". I've had so many of these conversations with colleagues and friends in the past, I've lost count. I really look forward to seeing this film and encouraging others to check it out and weigh in. Solutions only come when dialogue is open!"
Debbie Kris - Facebook Review
"Broken For Good - Excellent Trailer! It asks the question why charities are poor and the wrong mindsets/policies that chastise & hold back the people who are trying to solve some of world's toughest problems. WHAT IF governments and society apply the corporate 'for profit' success module and bring in the brightest, best in industry and pay them what they deserve for doing a job in a non-profit? To Change the World, we have to Change the way we Think! -- Treating non-profits with the same respect and consideration as the profit sector will cause a shift in social philanthropy, a big upgrade in services and assistance and most of all, set Non-profits free to really launch out and be a greater force for good in the communities they serve!"
Chris Petrosin - YouTube Review
"This is an amazing trailer. I've coordinated "broken" nonprofits in the sense that all operating costs are underwritten so 100% of funding goes to the cause. That being said, we have not accomplished much in the way of volume assistance. The missions are life-saving and life-changing but are not voluminous. I can only imagine what could be accomplished by working on my passion full-time. Best wishes, NANOE, with changing the landscape!"
Joy Campbell - Facebook Review
"Foundations and philanthropists MUST WATCH “BROKEN FOR GOOD: The Way Charity Works In The United States of America” and give non-profits the freedom to implement what they really need, “new best practices that respond to the specific needs of their community!” Charities can then hire the best in the field to accomplish their mission and achieve measurable outcomes. Unless we allow charities to invest donor dollars into savings and growth non-profits will continue to be hamstrung by the poverty mentality. Somewhere along the way, people came to believe that if a nonprofit paid competitive salaries, they were taking money away from the population they were created to serve. This video is so on point! Nonprofits could accomplish so much more if they operated like a for-profit business. In the corporate world, if you don't accomplish your objectives, your business fails. And you can't accomplish your objectives without the appropriate tools, including well educated, well paid staff. When for-profit businesses pay their employees competitive salaries, it doesn't mean their product will be sub-standard! On the contrary, it means they will get a better product. Armed with the right tools, nonprofits could be just as successful as our most profitable corporations. Imagine that!"
We look forward to receiving your thoughts and comments as well.
Please visit here to see the new trailer:
Kathleen Robinson, Ph.D
"As much as I love and support non-profit missions; and believe in philanthropy, it is true that "It's a broken system". I've had so many of these conversations with colleagues and friends in the past, I've lost count. I really look forward to seeing this film and encouraging others to check it out and weigh in. Solutions only come when dialogue is open!"
Debbie Kris - Facebook Review
"Broken For Good - Excellent Trailer! It asks the question why charities are poor and the wrong mindsets/policies that chastise & hold back the people who are trying to solve some of world's toughest problems. WHAT IF governments and society apply the corporate 'for profit' success module and bring in the brightest, best in industry and pay them what they deserve for doing a job in a non-profit? To Change the World, we have to Change the way we Think! -- Treating non-profits with the same respect and consideration as the profit sector will cause a shift in social philanthropy, a big upgrade in services and assistance and most of all, set Non-profits free to really launch out and be a greater force for good in the communities they serve!"
Chris Petrosin - YouTube Review
"This is an amazing trailer. I've coordinated "broken" nonprofits in the sense that all operating costs are underwritten so 100% of funding goes to the cause. That being said, we have not accomplished much in the way of volume assistance. The missions are life-saving and life-changing but are not voluminous. I can only imagine what could be accomplished by working on my passion full-time. Best wishes, NANOE, with changing the landscape!"
Joy Campbell - Facebook Review
"Foundations and philanthropists MUST WATCH “BROKEN FOR GOOD: The Way Charity Works In The United States of America” and give non-profits the freedom to implement what they really need, “new best practices that respond to the specific needs of their community!” Charities can then hire the best in the field to accomplish their mission and achieve measurable outcomes. Unless we allow charities to invest donor dollars into savings and growth non-profits will continue to be hamstrung by the poverty mentality. Somewhere along the way, people came to believe that if a nonprofit paid competitive salaries, they were taking money away from the population they were created to serve. This video is so on point! Nonprofits could accomplish so much more if they operated like a for-profit business. In the corporate world, if you don't accomplish your objectives, your business fails. And you can't accomplish your objectives without the appropriate tools, including well educated, well paid staff. When for-profit businesses pay their employees competitive salaries, it doesn't mean their product will be sub-standard! On the contrary, it means they will get a better product. Armed with the right tools, nonprofits could be just as successful as our most profitable corporations. Imagine that!"
We look forward to receiving your thoughts and comments as well.
Please visit here to see the new trailer:
Kathleen Robinson, Ph.D
Saturday, 2 January 2016
The 2016 Vision!
New dreams are being dreamed and new visions poured out. They are not just ours alone, but visions straight from the heart of God. It is not our desire to "ride some romantic wave" and chase after dreams dreamed by Christians 275 years ago.
The vision God has given us is for the growth of AYF base in Minna Diocese. The vision comes from the heart of God.
He has not forgotten the calling and identity placed upon AYF Diocesans Executives years ago. Through the course of time, this small Group of religion, in the Anglican Communion, as God’s Mighty weapon against the works of Satan is sent out as missionaries into the most difficult regions of the world.
God has been speaking to us about a new wave of missionaries to be sent out: disciples willing to go and longing to reclaim the inheritance and calling God has given. The vision is to see thousands of new workers sent into the nations.
The vision is for a new movement not like any before! It will be a revolution… sweeping across all the Anglican youth fellowship representing the youths worldwide, spreading out into the nations. There will be no limits to the means used to reach the end goal. We want to see every generation united together, connected to one another, mobilized, and called out to use every God-given tool to reach everyone with the saving Gospel of Jesus.

The vision is to see old ideas integrated with new ways. Our desire is that a new and special emphasis be placed on all works of hands (photography, fine arts, drama, poetry, sculpture, music, business, motivation, inspiration etc.) and communication technologies.
We believe that these two areas are going to play dynamic roles in the way of missions in the future. We want AYF to become a forum for new ideas, dreamed in the hearts of the willing, and through training and refining, becoming foundations for change in the nations.
It's not just about a location which once held such importance for the Protestant missions movement. It's about using the most effective means to see a lost world, reached with the hope of Jesus Christ, that we may one day stand together and God may receive the praise of men from every tribe and tongue.
The vision can only be realized as God becomes the sole priority of our lives and the work that He has given our sole goal…it's about being focused on the field He has called us to.
Source: YWAM
Weclome To 2016
I specially welcome you all to 2016, on behalf of DIOCESAN YOUTH
COUNCIL. Its my heart desire and prayer that as we journey together in
this promising year known among us will be missing, non will be left
behind, the HAND OF GOD will accompany us. May HIS blessings that adds
no sorrow be our portion,enjoying divine health,journey mercies and
financial breakthrough. I make a decree under God on your behalf that in
2016 you will not beg or borrow but be a blessing in JESUS name.
The Word For Today.
This Year Ask God for His Plan!
Written by Bob & Debby Gass
Written by Bob & Debby Gass
Friday, 1 January 2016
'I know the plans I have for you.' Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
God says, 'I know the plans I have for you...plans to prosper you...plans to give you hope and a future...pray to Me, and I will listen to you' (Jeremiah 29:11-12 NIV). This year ask God for His plan. It's miserable playing a part for which you're ill-suited. It's like walking in shoes that don't fit.
So... what are you good at? What do you enjoy doing most? What accomplishments make you feel best? List five moments in your life when you were acutely aware of this feeling of fulfilment. Does this reveal anything about your purpose? If money wasn't a consideration, how would you fill your days? How does this compare with where you are now? What one small step can you take right now - one phone call made, one letter written, one email sent - to move you towards your true calling? What have you learned about your purpose through failure? Are some areas clearly not a part of your calling at all? Who do you admire for the way they've applied their talents? Why are you like them? What can you learn from them? How would you describe your vision for your life this year? Or five years from now? Or ten? Who are the people in your life who really get who you are? Have you asked them what they think your purpose might be? Have they given any indication of how they think you should use your talents? If you could write your own obituary, what would you want it to say? What would you like to be remembered for?
As you begin the New Year, ask God for His plan.
SoulFood: Rom 13:12 - 14:19; John 1:1-14 (New Year's Day)
'I know the plans I have for you.' Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
God says, 'I know the plans I have for you...plans to prosper you...plans to give you hope and a future...pray to Me, and I will listen to you' (Jeremiah 29:11-12 NIV). This year ask God for His plan. It's miserable playing a part for which you're ill-suited. It's like walking in shoes that don't fit.
So... what are you good at? What do you enjoy doing most? What accomplishments make you feel best? List five moments in your life when you were acutely aware of this feeling of fulfilment. Does this reveal anything about your purpose? If money wasn't a consideration, how would you fill your days? How does this compare with where you are now? What one small step can you take right now - one phone call made, one letter written, one email sent - to move you towards your true calling? What have you learned about your purpose through failure? Are some areas clearly not a part of your calling at all? Who do you admire for the way they've applied their talents? Why are you like them? What can you learn from them? How would you describe your vision for your life this year? Or five years from now? Or ten? Who are the people in your life who really get who you are? Have you asked them what they think your purpose might be? Have they given any indication of how they think you should use your talents? If you could write your own obituary, what would you want it to say? What would you like to be remembered for?
As you begin the New Year, ask God for His plan.
SoulFood: Rom 13:12 - 14:19; John 1:1-14 (New Year's Day)
Wednesday, 12 August 2015
AYF 58th National Bible Study Conference Event Ground
The 2015 Youth National Bible conference was hosted in the Kwara Province, under the able leadership of Most Revd. M O Akinyemi and the Host Diocese, Offa under the Leadership of Rt Revd.Tunde Popoola. Kwara Province covers eight(8) Dioceses they include: Kwara, Offa, Igbomina, New Bussa, Omu Aran, Jebba, Ekiti Kwara and Igbomina West.
Rt. Rev'D. Jolly E. Oyekpen AYF National Coordinator, Nig. |
The theme shows that weapons of war including the bow and arrow become useless when God goes to war on anyone's behalf. This is what happened as Goliath's weapons and might succumbed to the superior power propelling young David. It is therefore important for the youth of today not to put their trust in the might of their parents, elders, church, fellowship, societies or communities but in the Lord God Almighty whose weapons of war are far superior to that which ant human being can produce or master it use. With God, any youth can become a Goliath slayer, with God any youth can overcome different challenges and obstacles.
Prayers for the Newly Elected National Executives |
In this years conference, the youth was urge to stick to the fellowship motto "Towards the Perfect Man" knowing that we must become the perfect man of tomorrow, Nigeria is beset with many problems because of greed and ungodly acts of yesterday's youth. Our gathering as youth, can make a difference in the church and in the Nation; having this believe that God will be with us (youth) and always fight our battles, if he says that our heart is after his own heart. This was a secret of David whom God testified had a heart after his own heart. (1sam 13:14, Acts. 13:22) Our fellowship together, should be to seek God and to fellow the examples of Jesus Christ, striving towards the perfect man with the full assurance that God will surly fight our battles.
The Anglican Youth Fellowship (AYF) now have a National Tent for sheltering the youths in all her National Program.
AYF National Tent |
Talent Hunt (Anglican Youth got Talent!)
Bible Recitation 1st Position |
Presentation 2nd Position |
Music Presentation
Modelling |
Artist |
was announced that the 59th Annual National Bible Study Conference will
be hosted by the Abuja Province, Kubwa Diocese. Tagged: " Kubwa 2016"
Thanks to God Almighty for a Successful Bible Study Conference
Fellowship! In Christ Jesus.
Friday, 31 July 2015
The Word For Today.
Written by Bob & Debby Gass
We take captive every thought' 2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV
How do you break that grip? With God's Word. For example, when fear and inadequacy tell you you're not good enough, be proactive and say, 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me' (Phi 4:13 NKJV). If your immediate goal is to 'feel good', you'll never develop self-control. 'For the time being no discipline brings joy, but seems grievous and painful; but afterwards it yields a peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it...' (Heb 12:11 AMP). Discipline doesn't bring immediate joy, but it brings lasting joy later on. Note the words 'trained by it'. You must train your mind to go the right way; otherwise it'll take you the wrong way.
God says, '...I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life...' (Deuteronomy 30:19 NKJV). God gives you choices. But He won't make your choices for you; you must do that. In order to walk in God's blessing each day, you must choose the right thoughts each day, and the longer you keep doing it the easier it will become. You've just got to get through the 'training' period.
SoulFood: Ezra 3-5; Mark 1:21-34; Ps 78:9-16; Pro 19:24-26
Be Blessed Today.
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